World Vision Advocacy Forum (WVAF) has been implemented Education in Emergencies Project (EiEP) in humanitarian assistance from European Union (EU)/UNICEF /Finn Church Aid (FCA) in Gorkha. The project aims for restoring the learning center in schools which were destroyed due to earthquake. To strengthen the quality of education, resilience and recovery at both school and community level and to promote sustainable and impactful changes through training and orientation activities. This project mainly focused to address needs identified by education clusters. Construction of 113 Transitional Learning Centers (TLCs) and Teachers Training were the most important phase of EiE project. WVAF implemented this project in Nine VDCs and two Municipalities intensively with 50 schools located in different part of Earthquake effected area of Gorkha district in "Post Emergency Context" with the aim and objectives. WVAF constructed 113 TLCs and trained 300 teachers and 90 SMC/PTA members in issues relevant to education in post-disaster situation including cross-cutting issues and other relevant topics..
Overall Objective of the Project:
- Re-functioning the Safe learning environment of the earthquake affected schools, TLCs construction, WASH restoration and capacity enhancement of SMC, PTA and Teachers on school based DRR
- To strengthen the quality of education, resilience and recovery at both school and community level and to promote sustainable and impactful changes through training and orientation activities
Specific Objectives:
- To implement DRR plans by equipping schools with improving basic infrastructure facilities; disseminating DRR information through extracurricular activities mobilizing teachers, students, SMC/PTA and parents.
- To enhance knowledge, capacity and awareness of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) education for children, parents and teachers, and
To provide training on DRR and Hygiene to teachers and SMC/PTA members for; raising awareness of disaster prevention, mitigation, and preparedness; and decreasing vulnerability to natural disasters
Because of the extent of devastation the rebuilding of permanent school infrastructure by the Government and partners shall take considerable amount of time, filling urgent gap the infrastructure component of this program addressed the need before and during the permanent reconstruction phase. Similarly project also addressed mainly immediate and medium term Education needs in earthquake-affected schools and community, filling urgent gaps and needs as identified by the Education Cluster, while promoting sustainable and impactful recovery and transition and the overall right to education.
113 TLCs has been constructed
- Active participation of all school head teachers, teachers SMC/PTA members in the DRR and Hygiene training
- The District Education Office, Resource persons, SMC/PTA are very delighted and expressed their gratitude for starting the whole school approach training
- Trained to identify the possible risk, risk management, prepare school base action plan to minimize, risk and include in SIP
- Distributed teaching and learning materials to teachers and students in 56 Schools
- Students in target schools are benefitted from quality educational materials and improved training practices and learning methods and have increased awareness on school safety and resilience, as well as on good hygiene and sanitation practices
- Teachers, students and communities were sensitized and oriented on disaster preparedness and securing alternative livelihoods in a post-disaster situation