Project Name: Enhancing partnership based-demand led technical skills (Grant Ref. No. GR-10-UCEP-T1)
Implementing Organizations:
- Unprivileged Children’s Education Program (UCEP) Nepal
- World Vision Advocacy Forum (WVAF)
Funding Support:
- Managed by British Council through Dakchyata
- Funded by the European Union (EU)
Project Duration: 15 months (September 01, 2020 - [end date])
Project Location: Bardiya and Bajhang districts, Nepal
Overall Objective: Enhance employability and income generation of unemployed youths in agriculture and construction sectors through demand-driven, market-oriented, and practical public-private partnership-based Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs.
Major Activities:
- Two days team-building meeting
- District-level consultation meetings
- Consultation workshops with employers
- Project inception meetings in Bardiya and Bajhang
- Field visits for supervision, internal monitoring, and backstopping
- Selection of District Coordinators and Trainers
- Selection of trainees
- Skills development trainings in agriculture and construction sectors
- Integration of Soft Skill Training
- Facilitation of trainees for Skills Test Examinations
- Conducting Tracer Study
- Post-training interaction programs
- Capacity-building workshops
- Documentation and dissemination of project results
- Project exit workshops
Training Details:
District: Bajhang; Sector: Agriculture
- Offseason Vegetable Producer: 80 trainees, 4 events
- Community Livestock Assistant: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Mushroom Producer: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Total: 160 trainees, 8 events
District: Bardiya; Sector: Construction
- Building Electrician: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Junior Plumber: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Building Painter: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Brick Layer/ Mason: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Shuttering Carpentry: 40 trainees, 2 events
- Excavator Operator: 20 trainees, 1 event
- Bar Bender: 20 trainees, 1 event
- Total: 240 trainees, 12 events
Major Achievements:
- Practical partnership between public and private stakeholders.
- Technical skills enhancement for 400 local youths in agriculture and construction trades.
- Identified income and employment opportunities through Tracer Study.
- Systematic documentation and sharing of success cases and lessons learned.
Expected Results:
The following results are expected to be achieved during the course of implementation and accomplishment of the Project:
- Implementation plan (review of work plan, action plan) and roles and responsibilities of each partner are developed.
- Linkages are established with local government and number of participants are identified from each municipality.
- Potential employers are identified and MOU is signed for conducting project activities.
- Local stakeholders are aware about the intervention of the project.
- Project activities are implemented according to the plan.
- Suitable Human Resource are recruited for the project.
- Targeted Beneficiaries are selected.
- 400 marginalized youths from Bardiya and Bajhang are enhanced skill/employability through standard vocational training courses on Construction and Agricultural related occupations.
- 400 marginalized youths from Bardiya and Bajhang are enhanced with essential soft/life skills.
- Training Graduates are accredited by National Skill Testing Board of CTEVT.
- Employment status of training graduates are identified and documented for publishing success stories.
- Graduates opting self-employment are linked with micro finance institutes.
- UCEP Nepal staff are capacitate regarding the essence of Dakchyata project.
- Stakeholders have the guiding TVET project document helpful for the similar interventions in the future.
Lessons Learned:
- Collaboration with the private sector facilitated market-based skill training.
- Innovative training models (SAE and FBA) were effective in meeting market demands.
- The incorporation of life skills sessions improved trainees' understanding of the market.
- The promotion of organic fertilizers provided practical knowledge about green economy.
- Identification of local needs in training curricula facilitated local employment.
- Coordination with local government, private employers, and stakeholders is vital for sustainability.