Executive Summary:

The project 'Strengthening referral network systems for enhancing access to justice by marginalized communities' aimed to form and strengthen the referral network system in selected four districts of Nepal for effective delivery of socio legal aid services to marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. The project reflects the need for effective networks to provide the victims of human rights violations and abuses with necessary supports for improving their access to justice. Most cases do not reach the court while many criminal cases are dealt by the police themselves and at times such criminal cases are mediated by the traditional or informal means, depriving the victim's right to fair trial and justice. There is a lack of awareness on what constitute citizen's rights and how such rights can be protected especially among the marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities which lead to further victimized of such communities.

During the life of the project, a total of four district referral networks and 16 municipality/ rural municipality referral networks were formed in Kailali, Bardiya, Rupandehi and Taplejung districts. A checklist was developed to facilitate the process of providing socio legal services by the socio legal service providers. A two days training was conducted in all the four districts and attended by the representatives of the newly formed referral network systems from four districts. During the final meeting, all the referral network systems are committed to give continuity to the referral networks and also to establish a fund for addressing the needs of Gender Based Violence (GBV) affected/ survivors including poor, marginalized and vulnerable communities.

Key results achieved:
  • Formation of targeted number of district and municipality/ rural municipality referral network systems in the four districts of Kailali, Bardiya, Rupandehi and Taplejung.
  • The plan of action of the referral networks focus especially on gender based violence faced by children, girls and women.
  • A checklist was developed for socio legal service providers and members of the district and municipality/ rural municipality referral network systems in the four districts.
  • Strengthened capacity of socio-legal aid centre (SLAC) for effective coordination and enhancing the access of justice by the marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.
Background and Rationale:

The project 'Strengthening referral network systems for enhancing access to justice by marginalized communities' was aimed to form and strengthen the referral network system in selected four districts of Nepal for effective delivery of socio-legal aid services to marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. The project reflects the need for effective networks to provide the victims with necessary supports for improving their access to justice. Most cases do not reach the court while many criminal cases are dealt by the police themselves and at times such criminal cases are mediated by the traditional or informal means, depriving the victim's right to fair trial and justice. There is a lack of awareness on what constitute citizen's rights and how such rights can be protected especially among the marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities which lead to further victimization of such communities.

The newly established referral network systems at the district and local levels will support the process of access to justice for the marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. The network will serve as an effective mechanism between local justice sectors institutions and concerned stakeholders for enhancing the access to justice process. It would provide a common platform for sharing of information and regular discussions, interaction between justice service providers and communities. WVAF stressed the need to institutional capacity development of SLAC for providing effective services to the victims of human rights violations and abuses so as to ensure their access to justice and other socio-legal aid services.

Project Summary:

For enhancing the access to justice by marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities, referral network systems were formed, both at the district and municipality/ rural municipality levels. The participants at the district level included the representatives from SLAC and key stakeholders from government bodies, local organizations, committees including human rights organization, non government organizations, Inter-Party Women’s Alliance, civil society networks, media and private sector on various issues relevant to socio-legal aid services to victims of human rights violations and abuses. The participants included representatives from SLAC, representatives from municipality/rural municipality, Ilaka police post, victims associations, women’s groups, community based organizations (CBOs), and village elders.

  • To sensitize the concerned key stakeholders for the need to establish and strengthen referral networks at the local level.
  • To form referral network systems at district and local levels to develop an effective mechanism for providing needy support to the victims seeking socio-legal aid services, psychosocial support, medical support, educational support and livelihoods support.
  • To develop a checklist/ guidelines of referral system and provide training for both state and non state socio legal aid providers on the use of the new referral systems and checklists to socio- legal aid service providers.

The project was implemented for a period of two months in the selected Municipalities/Rural Municipalities of Kailali, Bardiya, Rupandehi and Bhairawaha districts. Four district level and 16 municipality/ rural municipality referral network systems have been formed. The referral networks were expected to provide necessary referral services to the victims of human rights violations and abuses for accessing justice, medical support and psychosocial counseling in close collaboration with “Socio- Legal Aid Center (SLAC)”. The networks effectively collaborated with local service providers such as women and children service centres, referral service centres, safe houses, etc through exchange of information, expertise, and resources. The project supported to enhance the institutional capacity of SLAC to support victims of human rights violations and abuses through the provision of referral services, psychosocial support and legal counselling.

With the formation of the districts and municipality/ rural municipality referral network systems, a checklist was develop as a guidelines, which was expected to be used by socio legal service providers while providing legal counseling and psychosocial support and referring socio legal cases. The referral networks have been conducting regular meetings and are committed to work for enhancing access to justice by the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized communities.